Providers of Activity Therapy face to face , individually or in groups
There are many different types of provider:
- Local Authority fitness and wellbeing centres; this of course has been a longstanding service , delivered through the Exercise Referral Schemes
- Freelance personal trainers, exercise physiologists, and teachers of yoga, Pilates and Tai Chi
- professionals from different backgrounds trained in supporting people with specific conditions such as heart disease
- Sport specific programmes such as Boxing, Walking Football or Cricket, cycling, tennis and swimming
- Private sector gyms and fitness centres undergoing a revolution supported by ukactive and the journal Health Club Management
- Third sector providers like Move It or Lose It or AgeUk Generation Game
- Dance and Music therapists
The Active Partnerships of Sport England play a key role in connecting and co-ordination these local offers
Providers of digital services to complement and supplement face to face Activity Therapy
The personal charisma and empathy of the professionals and face to face groups is obviously of great benefit in initiating and maintaining motivation but digital means of offering and personalising activity therapy also have many benefits, making it possible even for people who have significant mobility problems, to benefit from:
- Daily interaction with a trainer or teacher
- The opportunity to increase activity, emotional as well as physical, in a group, without in the least diminishing the need to enable people to leave their home more often
- The potential of offering different types of activity such as yoga or tai chi to provide stimulation and different types of surround including the use of VR to prevent boredom and provide cognitive stimulation.
- Joining a learning community with others who have the same problem and this is part of the mission of Goldster
- Condition specific activity programmes, led by the Richmond Group of charities supported by their 'We are Undefeatable' campaign
- Sport and Exercise Medicine services and their 'Moving Medicine' and their 'We are Undefeatable' campaign